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偏鄉英語成長營為Youth Impact Taiwan 每年寒暑假最重要的活動之一! 我們希望集結在海外求學的台灣青年與在國內本地的學生一起組成英語成長營的線上策畫團隊以及現下對府團隊。由台灣青年到偏鄉學校帶領國小學童以有趣的方式學習英文,實現與國際接軌、達成青年與孩童的自我實現。


​​行銷推廣部門(marketing operation) : 活動社群經營、文案設計、社群媒體宣傳

資金財務部門(financial operation) :資金管理、募款策劃及執行、管理收支

贊助公關部門(sponsorship operation) :贊助商和學校對接、伙食安排、物資搜集

教材設計部門(internal operation):安排課表和活動流程、設計課堂內容

外部維安部門(external operation) :交通安排、場地勘查及佈置、保險




1. 需勇於開口說英文,並在小朋友們面前教學

2. 帶動課程氣氛















gCMC  team

The Global Cultural Media Communication program (GCMC) aims to improve the English education of children in remote areas of Taiwan. Through videos, we seek to present the cultures of different countries, allowing children to learn English with a joyful mindset and broaden their international perspectives. The content involves creating a series of videos featuring high school and university students from various countries showcasing their national cultures. This aims to highlight each country’s unique characteristics and help children gain insights into global geography and humanities.

Join us, and you can learn

1.Form meaningful friendships with teenagers from around the globe

2.Improve English communication skills

3.Gain a deeper understanding of the customs and cultures of each country

4.Enhance multimedia/ film-making skills

Member Requirements

1.Enjoys understanding cultures from various countries and is willing to share ideas!

2.Proficient in English

3.Understands basic film or multimedia terms

4.Has fundamental skills in shooting or editing videos

InterCultural Turtle Talk: Turtlinguals Beyond Borders

Recently, Taiwan has been dedicated to promoting bilingual education. Students are trained to study certain subjects in English and encouraged to communicate in English with the global community. However, students studying in remote regions are often overlooked. They lack access to English native speakers, making it difficult for them to practice English accents and communication. "InterCultural Turtle Talk: Turtlinguals Beyond Borders" brings together overseas Mandarin teenage speakers from around the world, many of whom possess advanced English skills. They volunteer to accompany children in remote regions, helping them practice spoken English and assisting them in learning native accents.

What do we do ?

  1. One-on-one tutoring sessions with kids in rural areas

  2. Online meetings with Youth Impact Taiwan and schools to discuss course goals and objectives

  3. Design courses tailored to each student's personality, interests, and abilities

  4. Conduct one lesson (60 mins) or two classes (30 mins *2) per week

  5. Dedicate time to understand the learning outcomes of the students

  6. Internal online meetings within Youth Impact Taiwan to ensure course effectiveness


  1. Fluent in English

  2. Age 16+

  3. Commit 4-6 hrs/week (teaching, curriculum planning, etc.)

  4. Learn through trial & error

  5. Responsible & committed until June 2024

  6. Able to attend meetings, course development workshops

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